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Design · Development · Marketing · Compliance
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About Me

My name is Daisy and I help brands grow.

Grow your brand through a professional custom web app with security, compliance and flexible features. Subscribe to the blog, scan IDs with a plan, or find a surrogate mother looking to help your family grow. Whether you're looking to build your business, compliance, or family, we can help you get there with best-in-class service.

+1 (206) 339-4443

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We won't send you any spam, or any marketing related to anyone else's projects. Unsubscribe at any time through your email or profile.

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We typically respond within twelve hours. Last active Sept. 14, 2024, 2:39 a.m.

var d = "02:39:56".split(":"); var hr = parseInt(d[0]); var min = parseInt(d[1]); var sec = parseInt(d[2]); if(hr < 9 || hr >= 21) { document.getElementById("clockContainer1").style.backgroundColor = "lightblue"; } var hr_rotation = 30 * hr + min / 2; var min_rotation = 6 * min; var sec_rotation = 6 * sec; document.getElementById("hour1").style.transform = `rotate(${hr_rotation}deg)`; document.getElementById("minute1").style.transform = `rotate(${min_rotation}deg)`; document.getElementById("second1").style.transform = `rotate(${sec_rotation}deg)`;
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Looking for other ways to support Lotte Harper?

Consider advocating for and donating to a just cause - Decriminalize Sex Work

Decriminalize Sex Work (DSW) works to improve policies related to all forms of sex work and to end the prohibition of consensual adult prostitution in the United States. Evidence shows that decriminalizing sex work will help end human trafficking, improve public health, and promote community safety.

Use the button below to learn more about the cause, and donate if you are able to. Thank you for your support!

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Professional entertainment, photos, videos, audio, livestreaming and casual gameplay, as well as ID scanning, web development and surrogacy services.