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Buy an ID Scanner Plan

Scan IDs with your phone using compliant, easy to use software.

Only $0.50/Scan - Free Demo

This ID scanner is also available as an API, see the following example to scan an ID with Python, or parse already scanned ID information from an image.

# Parse the data on an ID with Python
import requests, json
payload = {
    'key': '... api key delivered with purchase ...',
    'side': True, # True for the front side of the ID, false for the back
    'data': 'WA Washington Driver License 1234...' # The text on the front of the ID according to OCR, or parsed barcode on the back
result = json.loads(requests.get('https://lotteh.com/verify/api/', data=payload))
# example output: "{'result': True, 'birthdate': '1980-12-19', 'age': 43, 'data': '{'classified': True}'}"

Generate an authenticity result from an image of the back of an ID (the barcode).

# Extract the data from the ID
from docbarcodes.extract import process_document # See https://pypi.org/project/docbarcodes/
# Simple barcode reading
barcodes_raw, barcodes_combined = process_document('document_back.png')
data = barcodes_raw['BarcodesRaw'][0]['raw']

# Parse the data on an ID with Python
import requests, json
payload = {
    'key': '... api key delivered with purchase ...',
    'side': False
    'data': data
result = json.loads(requests.get('https://lotteh.com/verify/api/', data=payload))
# example output: "{'result': True, 'birthdate': '1980-12-19', 'age': 43, 'data': '{'classified': True}'}"

Generate an authenticity result from an image of the front of an ID (the text).

# Extract the data from the ID
from PIL import Image
import pytesseract # See https://pypi.org/project/pytesseract/
# Simple image to string
data = pytesseract.image_to_string(Image.open('document_front.png'))

# Parse the data on an ID with Python
import requests, json
payload = {
    'key': '... api key delivered with purchase ...',
    'side': True
    'data': data
result = json.loads(requests.get('https://lotteh.com/verify/api/', data=payload))
# example output: "{'result': True, 'birthdate': '1980-12-19', 'age': 43, 'data': '{'classified': True}'}"

Verify a user's identity with hosted pages and API enforcement.

# Step 1: Generate a URL to redirect the user to in order to complete identity verification
import requests, json
payload = {
    'key': '... api key delivered with purchase ...',
    'next': 'https://thegreatestapp.com/customer/auth/' # The next parameter to redirect a customer to
result = json.loads(requests.get('https://lotteh.com/verify/flow/api/', data=payload))
# example output: "{'adminurl': 'https://lotteh.com/verify/...', 'userurl': 'https://lotteh.com/face/...'}" Parse the data on an ID with Python
# Step 2: Check the results of the user's identity verification with the URL delivered from the last result, after passing the user facing URL to the user.
import requests
result = requests.get('https://lotteh.com/verify/...')
# example output: "{'success': True }"

Please select a plan below to begin using the API. Your account will be created at checkout.

Please note that an ID scanning plan is not requried for authentication with the app, only the API.

Tier One

10 Scans/Month

Tier Two

20 Scans/Month

Tier Three

40 Scans/Month

Tier Four

100 Scans/Month

Tier Five

200 Scans/Month

Tier Six

400 Scans/Month

Tier Seven

1,000 Scans/Month

Tier Eight

2,000 Scans/Month

Tier Nine

4,000 Scans/Month

Tier Ten

10,000 Scans/Month


ID Scanning (ID document scanner) plan services are provided with proprietary software within the limitations outlined in the plan. The ID Scanner is compatible with most smartphones, including Google, Samsung, iPhone, Android, iOS, and many computers with webcams. The ID scanning and reporting is provided with IDWare software, an industry standard for ID scanning compliance, powered by Zebra Technologies. Lotte Harper is an official Zebra Technologies partner. Monthly reports are provided through email. Custom options are available on request.

By checking out, you agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, as well as agree to and and acknowledge the sale as outlined and selected, as well as the plan described.

The transaction will display on your bank statement as "LOTTEH.COM IDSCAN".

You will be redirected to a checkout page to buy the product. Please enter your credit or debit card information, you will be billed monthly until you cancel through the website, or by email, cancellation service, or any other form of cancellation request.

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(Click or tap to download image)
Professional entertainment, photos, videos, audio, livestreaming and casual gameplay, as well as ID scanning, web development and surrogacy services.

© Lotte Harper, 2025

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