Begin below by entering your email to create an account with Lotte Harper.
We won't send you any spam, or any marketing related to anyone else's projects. Unsubscribe at any time through your email or profile.
Buy a Custom Website
Get a custom website for your business or personal use.
For a monthly plan including ongoing development and support, please leave the box below checked before paying. You will be billed monthly for services (instead of a one time fee) and receive extended work on your website within reasonable accomodation.
Tier One
Tier Two
Tier Three
Tier Four
Tier Five
Tier Six
One time payment for web development services provided by Lotte Harper
Billed once only. Non refundable.
Monthly fixed-fee payment for web development services provided by Lotte Harper
Billed monthly until cancellation through the website or by email, phone, or written request.
Buy a custom website developed by Lotte Harper. Consultation and custom design services included, customization services available on request. Website upgrades available. Guaranteed maintenance for at least five years included, additional maintenance available on request.
By checking out, you agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, as well as agree to and and acknowledge the sale as outlined and selected.
The transaction will display on your bank statement as "LOTTEH.COM WEBDEV".
You will be redirected to a checkout page to buy. Please enter your credit or debit card information, you will be billed immediatley and services will be provided within one week with communication over email and phone.
We typically respond within twelve hours. Last active Feb. 12, 2025, 3:45 p.m.
var d = "15:45:45".split(":");
var hr = parseInt(d[0]);
var min = parseInt(d[1]);
var sec = parseInt(d[2]);
if(hr < 9 || hr >= 21) {
document.getElementById("clockContainer1").style.backgroundColor = "lightblue";
var hr_rotation = 30 * hr + min / 2;
var min_rotation = 6 * min;
var sec_rotation = 6 * sec;
document.getElementById("hour1").style.transform = `rotate(${hr_rotation}deg)`;
document.getElementById("minute1").style.transform = `rotate(${min_rotation}deg)`;
document.getElementById("second1").style.transform = `rotate(${sec_rotation}deg)`; -
(Click or tap to download image)
Professional entertainment, photos, videos, audio, livestreaming and casual gameplay, as well as ID scanning, web development and surrogacy services.