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Ons sal nie vir jou enige strooipos stuur nie, of enige bemarking wat verband hou met enigiemand anders se projekte. Teken enige tyd uit deur jou e-pos of profiel.

Surrogacy Plans

Hire a surrogate mother, and follow your dreams of parenthood.

Surrogacy opens the possibility for anyone to become a parent. With a surrogate mother through Lotte Harper, you can count on us to help you build your family and join you in your journey of parentage.

Hire Daisy as a surrogate mother or gestational carrier through Lotte Harper

Given the option of a gestational carrier or traditional surrogate mother, we can help you become a parent by carrying your child, or you and your partner's child.

If you think surrogacy might be right for you, please continue to get started or contact us for help. We will reach out with further details and make arrangements for you.

Please don't hesitate to reach out through email, phone or the contact form below. Please ask us any of your questions, and feel free to inquire about services. Thank you for your interest.

Starting at $80,000
The rod of Asclepius Continue

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Boodskap gestuur.

Ons reageer gewoonlik binne twaalf ure.Laaste aktief Dec. 10, 2024, 11:35 p.m.

var d = "23:35:13".split(":"); var hr = parseInt(d[0]); var min = parseInt(d[1]); var sec = parseInt(d[2]); if(hr < 9 || hr >= 21) { document.getElementById("clockContainer1").style.backgroundColor = "lightblue"; } var hr_rotation = 30 * hr + min / 2; var min_rotation = 6 * min; var sec_rotation = 6 * sec; document.getElementById("hour1").style.transform = `rotate(${hr_rotation}deg)`; document.getElementById("minute1").style.transform = `rotate(${min_rotation}deg)`; document.getElementById("second1").style.transform = `rotate(${sec_rotation}deg)`;
Gereed om te begin? Skep 'n rekening om ons te laat weet jy stel belang.

Begin hieronder deur jou e-posadres in te voer om 'n rekening mee te skep Lotte Harper.

Ons sal nie vir jou enige strooipos stuur nie, of enige bemarking wat verband hou met enigiemand anders se projekte. Teken enige tyd uit deur jou e-pos of profiel.

As heard on NPR - National Public Radio

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